PRODUKTUTVECKLING/TEKNISK DESIGN: Conceptual design of an imaging box for phenotyping of plants
The students in this project will be in charge of the development of the mechanical systems (conceptual, system-level and partly detail design) of an imaging box for phenotyping of plants.
– Publicerad den 23 april 2024

About the project
This master thesis project is about developing a concept for the mechanical systems an imaging box that collects data on the plant's traits. The project integrates state-of-the-art computer vision technologies for plant recognition. The goal of the master thesis project is to develop the box, its mounting, and positioning, for a given set of sensors. The box will be mounted on a dedicated rover (current options: and picture above) or on existing ones. The expected outcome is a working prototype of the imaging box. This will be used as a minimally viable product (MVP) for potential customers and investors.
Synergy with master thesis project I (Development strategy for an imaging box for phenotyping of plants)
This project will be run in parallel with the master thesis project I, which has for goal to the design of an overall development strategy for the company. There might therefore be synergy between the two projects.
For questions about the master thesis project contact Damien Motte ( or Joze Tavcar (