PACKAGING LOGISTICS: Ready Meal Packaging – Supply Chain Sustainability
Map out and visualize the supply chain and propose a redesign.
– Publicerad den 8 januari 2021
Micvac produces packaging for chilled ready meals using an innovative in-pack cooking and pasteurization technique, vacuum sealing the meal to reduce food waste and preserve food quality and nutrition. As we predict growth of the company and the ready meal market in general, this requires revision of the supply chain. This should be done with a focus on increasing the sustainability of our packaging, as we want to be the leading sustainable solution in pre-packaged meals. In the coming decade we want to move towards fully recyclable packaging and use only renewable sources for our materials.
The scope of the thesis is to map out and visualize the Micvac supply chain, identifying weak links and suggesting counter measures, possibly a redesign of the chain. This is done in order to future proof and to reach our sustainability goals in an economically viable way.
- Visualize and present the Micvac supply chain.
- Propose revision of the supply chain and expand on what challenges that might bring, with a focus on sustainability.
- Suggest a roadmap and priorities for future improvements to our environmental goals.
Katrin Molina-Besch,