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LTH AEROSOLS seminar:“Assessing aerosol model M7 with incorporating organic and sulfuric acid-ammonia nucleation under Boreal conditions through detailed chemistry modeling” by Carl Svenhag

graphic abstract of the study
Tid: 2024-05-08 11:00 till 12:00 Seminarium

Carl Svenhag, PhD student at the Div. Combustion Physics, will give a presentation on “Assessing aerosol model M7 with incorporating organic and sulfuric acid-ammonia nucleation under Boreal conditions through detailed chemistry modeling”.

In this study, we investigate the impact of new particle formation (NPF) on the boreal climate by comparing different modeled processes for particle formation and growth in the aerosol dynamic model M7 mainly used in Earth system models (e.g. EC-Earth). We compare the use of different model precursors for NPF and introduce a new lookup table for ammonia-sulfuric acid nucleation in M7. The look-up table broadens the function by including a NPF dependency on temperature, molecular clustering sink and ion production from RN222 and cosmic radiation, but without adding significant computational cost. The spring and summer-time model results are studied towards the Hyltemossa forest station in Skåne (Sweden).

Fika will be served from 11.00, and the seminar starts at 11.15.

If you wish to attend digitally, please send me an email latest the day before.

No registration is needed. Welcome to join!

Om händelsen
Tid: 2024-05-08 11:00 till 12:00

Fysikum, room E421

sara [dot] thuresson [at] design [dot] lth [dot] se