AEROSOL TECHNOLOGY: In-cabin air quality – Volvo
Two students needed for a project with Volvo comparing cabin air purifying systems for particle and gas filtration performance. Starting in January.
– Published 22 September 2023
Increased pollution in big cities and industrial areas, especially the amount of particulate matter in the air, results in greater awareness of the health risks associated with in-car exposure. Epidemiological studies have shown that short-term and long-term exposure to particulate air pollution, especially fine particles called PM2.5 (particulate matter of aerodynamic diameter < 2.5 μm), is associated with the adverse health effects.
Studies have identified road traffic as a dominant source of ultrafine particles. The use of various means of transportation can account for a significant proportion of daily particulate exposure. Customers are becoming more and more aware of bad air quality consequences. It is therefore of great interest to investigate potential technologies to reduce the load of the pollutants inside the cars i.e., in passenger compartment.
Thesis work
The practical thesis work will be carried out at the Sustainability Centre at Volvo R&D in Gothenburg. Three different cabin air purifying systems will be compared when it comes to particle and gas filtration performance. Rig measurements will be then complemented with on road tests for particulate pollution.
LTH and Volvo Cars R & D: Climate Department & Materials Engineering Center, Gothenburg
Extent and time plan
Master thesis project for two students running from January 2024 to June 2024
Degree Project in Aerosol Technology, MAMM05, 30 credits
Qualifications as described in the course syllabus.
For questions about the master thesis project contact Aneta Wierzbicka: