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Research education courses

There is a wide range of PhD courses at the Department of Design Sciences. You find information about the courses and how to register here.


Design Sciences' courses for PhD-students

Click on a course name to expand information about the specific course.

The course is given during the second half of the autumn (study period 4).

Course responsible: Joakim Pagels

Course Syllabus at

The course is given every year.

Course responsible: Patrik NIlsson

The course aims to increase knowledge and reflection within the doctoral student's own research area and its scientific approach. Thus, the course also gives the doctoral student the opportunity to demonstrate that learning objectives, which are not usually assessed through a licentiate thesis or other courses, are met.

Course information

Read the course syllabus at

The course is given on demand.

Course responsible

If you have questions about the course, contact course responsible: Elin Olander and Jing Xiao

The course aims to increase knowledge and reflection within the doctoral student's own research area and its scientific approach. Thus, the course also gives the doctoral student the opportunity to demonstrate that learning objectives, which are not usually assessed through a licentiate thesis or other courses, are met.

Course information

Read the course syllabus at

The course is given on demand.

Course responsible

If you have questions about the course, contact course responsible: Elin Olander and Jing Xiao

The purpose of the course is for students to acquire basic knowledge of the physics and chemistry of aerosols (systems in which particles are suspended in gases), understanding of the origin, dispersion, transformations and deposition of airborne particles as well as knowledge of sampling strategy and measurement methodology for airborne particles.

The intention is for the students to acquire a basis for evaluating the environment (for example the climate) and health effects of airborne particles as well as knowledge for application in, for example, nanotechnology, elimination technology, production technology, purity technology and the pharmaceutical industry.

Course information

Read the course syllabus at

The course is given every autumn and next time is 4th November - 20th December 2024.

Course responsible

If you have any questions, contact course responsible Vilhelm Malmborg 

Course Syllabus at

The course is given on demand.

Course responsible:

Anders Gudmundsson
Jakob Löndahl

Course Syllabus at

The course is given on demand.

Course responsible: Jessica Wadin, and Kajsa Ahlgren Ode, 

The course provides basic and in-depth knowledge in sustainable development. It consists of two parts: a theory part (5 credits) and a project part (2.5 credits) which are distributed over two semesters. The theory part is the same as the course "Sustainable development, a systems view" (IDE055F), which introduces different perspectives on sustainable development in seven modules. The project part includes a literature review of ongoing research in sustainability in relation to your discipline and research.

The project should include social aspects and at least some thoughts on economic aspects. The results can be presented as, for example, a report, a seminar with a short written summary, a research proposal or through visualization (poster, scale model, or similar)

Course information

Read the course Syllabus at

The course is given on demand.


Register by contacting education administrator Cilla Perlhagen via email:

Course responsible

If you have any questions, contact course responsible Kajsa Ahlgren Ode

The overall aim of the course is to give the students in-depth knowledge and skills in physiology and the impact of the environment on human physical well-being, health and performance, as well as related prevention and protection.

Course information

Read about the course:

Course Syllabus at

The course is given every spring term and next between 21 January and 5 June 2025.

Course responsible

If you have any questions, contact Chuansi Gao

The aim of this course is to broaden the concept of innovation and to equip research students with tools and processes –"innovation and value creation lenses"– needed to see their research in the light of utilisation and in a wider societal perspective. This will stimulate the utilisation of research results in society and contribute to increased innovation and collaboration between academia, financiers, industry and society.

Course information

Read the course syllabus on LTH's website.

Go to course webpage

The course is given on demand.


Register by contacting Cilla Perlhagen, Education Administrator, by email:

Course coordinator

If you have questions about the course, contact the course coordinators:
Anders Warell,
Jessica Wadin,

Course Syllabus at

Course responsible: Your main supervisor

An introduction to the interdisciplinary field of interaction design, with focus on the usability-oriented design process. The course provides a deep understanding of the design process and its connection to learning, as well as insights into how to design useful interactive products and services. The course forms a good basis for future specialisation in interaction design.

Course information

Read the course syllabus at

The course is given on demand.

Course responsible: Christofer Rydenfält


Register by contacting education administrator Cilla Perlhagen via email:

Course Syllabus at

The course is given during the spring term.

Read more on the course web page.

Course responsible: Christina Isaxon

The purpose of the course is increased knowledge and reflection within the doctoral student's own special area.

The course consists of sub-blocks, each one focuses on a research article within the doctoral student's subject. The course includes literature search, article analysis, report writing and group discussion about articles.

Course information

Course Syllabus at

The course is given every year.

Course responsible

If you have a ny questions, contact course responsible Jakob Löndahl

In this course you will gain in-depth knowledge of the physiology of the lung, the main lung diseases and how these affect the inhalation of aerosol particles.

Course coordinator

If you have questions about the course, please contact the course coordinator Jakob Löndahl via mejl:

This course provides an introduction to methods for analysing health hazards such as air pollution, noise, chemicals or other types of risks related to human health.

The course is given in the spring term.

Course coordinator

If you have questions about the course, please contact the course coordinator Jakob Löndahl via mejl:

The purpose of the course is increased knowledge and reflection within the doctoral student's own special area, as well as developing the ability to connect one's own research to new methodology and the surrounding society. The course consists of sub-blocks, each focusing on a series of seminars related to aerosol technology. The doctoral student then writes a report for each seminar.

Course information

Course Syllabus at

The course is given every year.

Course responsible

If you have any questions, contact course responsible Vilhelm Malmborg

The course aims to provide knowledge of history and theoretical background as well as different views related to the concepts of business model and business model innovation, focusing on sustainable business model innovation. In addition, you will gain practical experience working with business model innovation tools as well as real cases of business model innovation in established companies, entrepreneurial startups and in new technologies.

Course information

Read the course syllabus at

The course is tentatively scheduled for the spring semester of 2025.


Register by contacting education administrator Cilla Perlhagen via email:

Course responsible

If you have questions about the course, contact course responsible: Kajsa Ahlgren Ode, and Jessica Wadin

The course provides broad basic knowledge in sustainable development.  It is divided into seven modules consisting of reading and preparation followed by a seminar where we discuss the module's topic with experts in the field. In each module you have the possibility to discuss different perspectives on sustainable development in relation to your own research. 

The modules include topics such as: definition of sustainable development, climate change and its effects, planetary boundaries, circular economy, sustainable business, life cycle thinking, individual action for sustainability, social aspects, occupational health care, sustainable cities, poverty, complex systems, sustainable development and ethics.

Course information

The course is given on demand.

Course Syllabus at


Register by contacting education administrator Cilla Perlhagen via email:

Course responsible

If you have questions about the course, contact course responsible: Kajsa Ahlgren Ode, Jessica Wadin or Glenn Johansson,

Reviews from the last course

”Regardless if you are well acquainted with or completely new to sustainable development, this course allows you to broaden and deepen your knowledge on a wide variety of sustainability topics; I never thought I could learn about climate justice and sustainable business models in the same course! Also, I really enjoyed the structure of the course as it was easy to combine with work and other courses, and the seminars offered great discussions with PhD students from other disciplines. I highly recommend it to everyone – to those who think they already know enough about sustainable development and to those who don’t!”

“I strongly recommend this course to everyone! Both those who are interested to learn more about sustainable development and those who are not! Even if you are not interested to learn about sustainable development sooner or later you have to learn about it! Why not learn about SD in a course with expert people and get 5 to 7.5 credits at the end!”

Current PhD-courses

Spring 2025

  • Advanced Methods in in Aerosol Technology (MAM050F)

  • Advanced Seminars in Innovation and Design, Part 1 (MMK010F)

  • Advanced Seminars in Innovation and Design, Part 2 (MMK015F)

  • Human in Extreme Environments (MAMF35F)

  • Introduction to PhD studies at the Department of Design Sciences (IDE020F)

  • Nanosafety (MAM030F)

  • Reading Course in Aerosol Science (MAM010F)

  • Risk analysis methods for health

  • Seminar Course in Aerosol Technology (MAM025F)

Registration and course evaluation

If you would like to register for a course or see a course evaluation, contact education administrator Cilla Perlhagen via email at

Register for a course

Read the course syllabus for information on course structure and admission information before registering for the course.

Register by contacting the education administrator with the following information:

  • how far you have come in your studies (number of years)
  • which department you belong to.


Cilla Perlhagen

Education administrator

Damien Motte

Director of research education

Pernilla Daws

Communications officer

Page Manager: | 2023-01-12