
Dissertation in Packaging Logistics September 29
Consumers are becoming increasingly aware of climate change and place ever higher sustainability demands on retail. Retail, which constitutes a critical link between producers and consumers and plays a significant role in production and consumption patterns, seeks to find innovative solutions to reduce its environmental impact.

Award for most relevant conference paper
Researchers from the Division of Packaging Logistics have been awarded the prestigious "NOFOMA and Göran Persson Award for the Most Relevant Conference Paper for Practice" at the NOFOMA35 conference in Helsinki-Espoo, Finland.

Packaging project on the prestigious 100 list
A project about handling Climate-efficient packaging solutions with AI from Packaging Logistics in Lund is included in this year's 100 list of research projects that have special potential to create benefits. The list is compiled by the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences, IVA.

Strategic innovation programmes
The strategic innovation programmes of the future are under development. The Swedish Energy Agency, Formas and Vinnova have been given the task of launching the programmes, which will contribute to global competitiveness through transition for sustainable development, innovation and groundbreaking research.

Where do your online shopping returns end up? In the bin, new research finds
For e-commerce companies, it is cheaper to throw away returned items rather than selling them again. In a new study, researchers at Lund University in Sweden interviewed members of the textile and electronics industries in Europe, hoping to better understand a problem that is snowballing, yet has been the subject of little research.

Giving circular deliveries a try - in Dagens Logistik
Business models based on collaborative consumption and circularity also need to be efficient from a logistics standpoint, or the environmental benefits might be lost. A research project is now letting key actors in the delivery chain explore circular packaging.

Business models and sustainability – Thesis defense November 18
How can business models contribute to increased sustainability? That is the question discussed by LTH doctoral student Emil Åkesson in his thesis on the topic of Industrial economics: Business Model Epistemology: Support for a Semi-Structured and Inclusive Approach to Business Modeling in Established Firms.

What is the future for 3D printed food? – licentiate presentation November 9
3D printed food is a relatively new technology with many interesting applications – for example space food for astronauts, personal nutrition and food with futuristic shapes. But how and when does research on 3D printed food reach the wider market?

PODCAST: "Forskarmötet" with Stefan Karlsson
Listen to the podcast "Forskarmötet" by the Swedish Retail and Wholesale Council, Handelsrådet, where Stefan Karlsson at Packaging Logistics talks about why e-commerce returns can be useful, why the industry should listen more to research, and what it was that got him onto the research track himself. Forskarmötet #9: Stefan Karlsson – at [...]

Yulia from Russia helps refugees from Ukraine
Yulia Vakulenko grew up in a small Russian town north of the Arctic Circle, today she works at Lund University. When Russia invaded Ukraine on 24 February, her world was turned upside down.