Degree projects at Design Sciences
The Department of Design Sciences conducts research and education in a variety of subjects. Based on the UN's global goals to create good living conditions for people, sustainable development is part of both education and degree projects. The ambition is for circular thinking to be a natural part of all students' future professional lives.
Students from several programmes at the Faculty of Engineering, LTH are able to do their degree project at Design Sciences and IKDC within the following subjects:
Addresses key questions related to air quality, such as: formation of air pollution, particle dynamics, aerosol chemistry, and nanotoxicology.
Covers the design of a product and its packaging, throughout the whole supply chain from raw product, via various actors, to the end user, and on to recycling and recovery.
About the process
General information about the degree project process can be found on LTH's Student Website.
In addition to the general information, there are a number of things worth knowing when doing your degree project at Design Sciences. Ingvar Kamprad Design Center (IKDC) has well-equipped thesis rooms where you can work on your project, and you also have access to workshops and world-class equipment in the various laboratories.
Read the guidelines for doing your degree project at Design Sciences and IKDC. These include information about contracts with companies, facilities for your work, communication with supervisors and more.
Available Projects
Browse available degree projects below. The information is alternatingly in Swedish and English, depending on the department or company involved.
PACKAGING LOGISTICS: Towards Sustainable packaging – Alfa Laval
Take the opportunity to work with Alfa Laval in their effort to develop a roadmap towards sustainable packaging.
PACKAGING LOGISTICS: Waste of fresh fruit and vegetables at retail chains in Europe – Measuring and calculation of mass, economic cost, and climate impact, and proposing solutions in line with new European food waste and packaging directives
Food waste is a critical issue with significant environmental, economic, and food security implications. In industrialized countries, the retail sector, food service providers, and consumers are identified as key areas where food waste reduction can have the most impact. This thesis aims to investigate the extent of fresh fruit and vegetable (FFV) [...]
PRODUKTUTVECKLING/TEKNISK DESIGN: Elektroniskt verktyg till robot – Odigo Consulting
Odigo Consulting söker efter en person som vill skiva sitt examensarbete under hösten 2024. Uppgiften för studenten består av en idéstudie, konceptutveckling, konstruktion och montering/testning. Projektet går ut på att utveckla ett elektroniskt verktyg till en robot.
PRODUKTUTVECKLING/TEKNISK DESIGN: Conceptual design of an imaging box for phenotyping of plants
The students in this project will be in charge of the development of the mechanical systems (conceptual, system-level and partly detail design) of an imaging box for phenotyping of plants.
PRODUKTUTVECKLING/TEKNISK DESIGN/INNOVATIONSTEKNIK: Development strategy for an imaging box for phenotyping of plants
The students in this project are expected to help a startup company building a long-term development strategy for its new technology, taking into account technical, management and business aspects!
PRODUKTUTVECKLING/TEKNISK DESIGN: ”Allemanskupan” för honungsbin – ConCellae
Forskning visar att biodling konkurrerar ut våra akut hotade vilda bin och humlor. Med ”Allemanskupan” kan situationen förändras. Genom detta projekt kan du vara med och förbättra kupans konstruktion genom användning av 3D-printing.
PRODUKTUTVECKLING/TEKNISK DESIGN: Optimering av sopsug – Lunds Renhållningsverk
Vill du vara med och bidra till ett hållbart samhälle genom att hjälpa Lunds Renhållningsverk optimera sin lösning med ett sopsugsystem i Lunds nya stadsdel Brunnshög?
PRODUKTUTVECKLING/TEKNISK DESIGN: Matavfallskvarnar, ett tekniskt perspektiv – Nordvästra Skånes Renhållning
Vill du vara med och bidra till skapandet av ett långsiktigt hållbart och kretsloppsbaserat samhälle? I samarbete med Nordvästra Skånes Renhållning kan du göra ett exjobb som ur ett tekniskt perspektiv utvärderar avfallskvarnar som insamlingsmetod för matavfall.
PRODUKTUTVECKLING/TEKNISK DESIGN: Cirkulära produkter. Var finns potentialen? – Order Nordic
Genom detta exjobb har du möjlighet att hjälpa ett företag att utveckla sitt cirkulära åtagande.