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Presentation: Examensarbete i produktutveckling – framtidens hygienstationer

Tid: 2023-03-17 13:15 till 14:00 Seminarium

Ali Al Aaradji presenterar sitt examensarbete i produktutveckling.

Titel på engelska: Hygiene Station of the Future

Beskrivning på engelska: Disposable hygiene products, such as gloves and aprons, are essential for healthcare environments to maintain the hygiene standard and are placed in different types of carriers, primarily mounted on the walls. These carriers and products are placed close together to form the so-called hygiene station. Some difficulties arise for product development and fast access because not all hygiene products fit all carriers and there is a dependency on the different installed infrastructure in every room.

In this thesis, a modular and user-friendly hygiene station is designed and developed to fulfill the needs in a healthcare environment. The aim of the project is to minimize the dependency on installed infrastructure by allowing the users to quickly and effortlessly adjust the hygiene station to facilitate all the needed hygiene products and carriers. 

Handledare: Elin Olander
Biträdande handledare: Håkan Eftring
Examinator: Glenn Johansson
Opponent: Duy Long Nguyen

Om händelsen
Tid: 2023-03-17 13:15 till 14:00

IKDC sal DC:467

cilla [dot] perlhagen [at] design [dot] lth [dot] se